May 2016

Blog Archive

Tech: An Overview of Speech Recognition Software

Speech Recognition Software, or SRS, have proven to benefit the lives of those with low typing or writing skills, including many dyslexics.

Monkey Math School Sunshine

Continue the Monkey Preschool adventure with Monkey Math School Sunshine, an application for smartphones and tablets that teaches fundamental math skills to children 3-6 years old.

Endless Wordplay

Endless Wordplay is an application for young children that builds a spelling and word building foundation for the soon-to-be-reading students.

Tech: Whispersync for Voice

Whispersync for Voice is a feature for Kindle apps and tablets that marries reading books and listening to them.

Tech: Dexter App

Praised as one of the top apps for writing readiness by professionals and parents, Dexteria is an application that provides therapeutic hand exercises designed to improve fine motor skills and handwriting readiness.

Research: Identifying Early Literacy Practices That Impact Brain Processing and Behavior

There are many studies that indicate children can begin to acquire emergent literacy skills as early as infancy, and those skills can be strengthened before they reach kindergarten.

Tech: KNFB Reader