Facebook is a great place for college friends to catch up, LinkedIn allows employers to find ideal job candidates, and Twitter lets people keep up on the latest celebrity news.

Social media has transformed modern day society, and now it’s transforming the way dyslexics are able to connect with one another.

The 1in5 Initiative is a social media site that aims to bring together young people with learning disabilities.


The Initiative was launched by Learning Ally in an effort to raise awareness of dyslexia as well as to help parents and educators understand how to help children get proper resources.

1in5 offers many resources for parents, educators, and dyslexics including:

  • The facts, signs, and symptoms of dyslexia
  • Information about what dyslexia is and is not
  • Stories from people who have dyslexia
  • Opportunities for people to share their own stories
  • Ideas and materials to help raise awareness of dyslexia