
Aimed at students in secondary school, DocsPlus is a resource that gives support to students so they can independently learn and understand course curriculum.

Through its many features, students have the ability to learn and write at the same pace as their peers. From the very beginning of the writing process, DocsPlus is there to help. Through voice notes and workspace visual mapping, organization of ideas and planning of an essay is made easy. After students’ ideas have been mapped out, DocsPlus uses word prediction and customizable word banks to help create structured and detailed pieces of writing. Students can also organize these word banks for different writing genres they may be asked to use in class. Also, while a student works, speech feedback is given along with other proofreading tools to help guide him/her along the way. A unique feature of DocsPlus is its document analysis for teachers or parents, which allows them to track changes made to the document, how much time the student spent working, and where exactly he/she struggled. Lastly, if a student qualifies for alternative exam arrangements, DocsPlus can be utilized to read the questions aloud for better comprehension. The built-in DocReader will read any selected text aloud, allowing students to hear a word before they put it in their writing, or hear a word they may not recognize in an assignment. For those with low literacy skills, DocsPlus can also be extended to use in college. DocsPlus recently won a Oaka Digital Tech for Teachers Award in 2018.

To learn more and purchase DocsPlus, visit this website. The software is currently available for Windows/Mac and Chromebook, with an iPad app to be released in the Spring of 2018.

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