Sifting Through the Mire: Finding Reliable Intervention
As the school year winds down, I receive an influx of questions via DyslexiaHelp and in my private clinical practice from parents relative to deciding on summer program options for their child with dyslexia or other language-based learning disabilities. Given that this decision impacts family resources of time and finances, not to mention a kid’s summer vacation, it is important that parents choose wisely. .
In my last blog, I discussed some of the ways children with dyslexia deal with their stress and school failure. However in adulthood, these coping mechanisms become very destructive.
Two-time Canadian national medalist Piper Gilles has faced more than the competition throughout her life. Growing up, she struggled with living with dyslexia.
Science Vs. Pseudoscience:
A Checklist for Critical Thinking
There are many questionable alternative treatment approaches that are heavily marketed and promoted but have no evidence to support their use. Even experienced clinicians can "get quacked" into using them.
Our goal is to help individuals with dyslexia, as well as parents, employers, and professionals of all kinds who have the privilege to work with dyslexics gain new understandings about dyslexia and language disability, including current research findings and how to design intervention contexts based on best practices.
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