The early years of a child’s education is critical in acquiring correct handwriting posture and skill. Teachers and parents alike are often constantly looking for new activities and worksheets to help their students or children get the practice they need. Both an online resource for parents and a research-supported curriculum for educators, the Handwriting Without Tears website is filled with tools to help with the often overwhelming handwriting learning process.
The site has free classroom worksheet and poster downloads tailored for grades K- 5. Teachers can sign up for newsletters to get access to free tips, tools, and activities for the classroom- all designed to make learning correct letter formation an easier experience for students. Curriculum outlines, suggested teaching guidelines, and letter charts are all also available for download. Parents, too, can gain access to worksheets and tips from the site- both for print and cursive writing.
Education administrators interested in the entire Handwriting Without Tears curriculum can set up a workshop for teachers or even pilot the program. The program is built around multisensory strategies and short, flexible sessions. There are also online workshops, seminars, training resources, and how-to videos available so educators can fully get a feel for the program if interested.
To gain access to classroom resources and the Handwriting Without Tears program, visit their site here.
View additional handwriting resources here on the DyslexiaHelp site.