Number 5: Develop a pro versus con list. Include the things you like and dislike about each school. Don’t forget to consider availability of accommodations and financial aid.

Number 4. Focus on the top two or three schools. Arrange a second visit for each of these schools. Make sure to make an appointment with the director of learning disability services and have a list of questions you want to ask them.

Number 3. Make sure to fill out all of your applications early.

Number 2. Request letters of recommendation from adults who know your academic abilities.

Finally, the most important thing to do during your senior year is know all your deadlines. This includes dates for your application, financial aid and acceptance to any programs for the learning disabled. Type these out, reproduce them and plaster them around your room, refrigerator, etc.

That's it for today. Good luck!

Be well and make a bit of noise,

Dr. Michael Ryan




Dr. Michael Ryan