0-6 Months |
- Produces different cries for hunger, discomfort, etc.
- Vocalizes 2 different sounds such as “eh, aah”
- Begins to make several new sounds such as p,b,m
- Practices making sounds when alone
- Startles to loud, sudden noises
- Purposefully looks toward speaker’s voice
- Turns to his/her own name
- Appears to recognize familiar words like "daddy, mama, bye bye" etc.
- Responds to "no" 50% of the time
- Laughs or chuckles
- Often looks at speaker and responds to voice by smiling
- Seeks and maintains eye contact with adults
- Initiates and takes turns making sounds with adults
6-12 Months |
- Begins to babble (e.g., "aba-ba-ba-ba" then shortens to two syllables "baba")
- Combines different sounds as if speaking sentences
- Says first meaningful words (e.g., "dad, mom, bye-bye")
- Imitates or repeats words or sounds after adult ("Uh-oh!")
- Uses 3+ words with some consistency
- Uses gestures such as shaking head no, pointing, and waving goodbye, etc.
- Reaches to be picked up (wants up)
- Looks at familiar objects when named
- Understands simple "where" questions (e.g., "Where’s daddy?")
- Understands "no" and simple verbal requests such as "Come here" and "Stop that"
- Plays and later initiates social games such as peek-a-boo, so big, and pat-a-cake
12-18 Months |
- Makes a variety of new sounds including t,d,w,n,h
- Communicates wants by using a combination of sounds, words, and gestures (e.g., Points at ball on shelf and says "ba")
- Consistently uses 5 or more meaningful words that are understood by familiar adult
- Asks "What’s that?"
- Points out surrounding objects to others
- Points to objects when named by adult
- Points to 3 body parts on self or others
- Finds and brings familiar object from another room when asked
- Understands 50+ words
- Plays appropriately with a variety of toys
- Looks at pictures in books for 2 or more minutes
18-24 Months |
- Uses consonants such as p,b,m,t,d,n,h at the beginning of 1-2 syllable words
- Talks rather than using gestures
- Directs adult attention to object of interest by pointing ("look," or "what’s that?")
- Answers simple yes/no and “what” questions
- Frequently imitates or repeats last word said to him/her
- Imitates simple, familiar actions in play (e.g., sweeping)
- Plays ball and other back-and-forth play with adult
- Uses two toys together in pretend play (e.g., bottle and baby, car and garage)
24-30 Months |
- Uses approximately 25 different consonants and vowels, but continues to leave out sounds/syllables or substitutes sounds
- Speaks more and more new words each week
- Uses 50 or more words
- Begins combining words into simple sentences (e.g., "go bye-bye," "more cookie," "go nigh-nigh")
- Changes intonation to ask questions
- Speech understandable to familiar people in context
- Rarely imitates last word said to him/her
- Imitates 2-3 word phrases
- Points to most body parts
- Understands action words
- Appears to understand the meaning of longer sentences (e.g., "When we get to the store, I’ll buy you an ice cream")
- Understands size concepts (big and little) and number concepts
- Uses most toys appropriately
30-36 Months |
- Uses simple sentences (e.g., "I want more cookies")
- Rapid increase in understanding of new words
- Talks about recent special experiences
- Refers to self using pronouns (e.g., I, me, mine, my)
- Beginning to rote count: 1, 2, 3…
- Answers yes/no questions correctly
- Follows two-step directions that are related (e.g., "Get your mittens and give them to Grandma")
- Acts out everyday experiences (e.g., stirring the food and feeding the baby)
36-48 Months |
- Has speaking vocabulary of 900-1500 words
- May have difficulty saying some sounds (f,v,j)
- Uses 3-4 word sentences
- Speech can be understood 80% of the time by a familiar person
- Asks "why" questions
- Follows more complex, two-part directions ("Hang up your coat and then get a book")
- Answers simple "who, what, where" questions
- Carries on short conversations
- Acts out past events
- Play is imaginative
48-60 Months |
- Has speaking vocabulary of over 2000 words
- Uses 4-5 word sentences
- Uses longer, more adult-like sentences
- Speech can be understood 80% of the time
- Tells a story from own experience
- Defines words in simple terms
- Follows 2-3 step directions ("Get your coloring book and crayons and bring them outside")
- Answers "why, how, how many" questions
- Likes pretend play and acting
- Joins in play appropriately with other children
- Is beginning to use problem-solving and planning skills
60-72 Months |
- Has speaking vocabulary of 2500 words
- May still have difficulty making a few sounds (e.g., l, r,s)
- Uses 5-6 word sentences
- Speech is understood by strangers
- Tells imaginative stories
- Uses all pronouns correctly (he, she, it, etc.)
- Answers phone and carries on conversations
- Plays board games
- Play is imaginative and cooperative
- Sequences pretend events
- Understands concepts such as time, space and quantity