Note taking for dyslexics is often a difficult task of balancing time and concentration spent on writing down notes and time spent focusing on listening to the teacher. Sonocent’s Audio Notetaker was created to ease the difficulties of note taking for anyone who has trouble taking notes- from sitting in a lecture to a business meeting. The software goes beyond simple voice recording; it can color code and separate blocks of speech phrase-by-phrase as it listens. While recording, audio blocks can be highlighted and organized into files.
The entire software acts as a multi-sensory resource. Once recorded, audio files can be edited in a number of ways. Phrases can be moved to create new files so you can expand on the thought with your own notes. Images, PDFs, and PowerPoint slides can be added to written notes too. Because the audio is already saved and separated by phrase, you can go through at your own pace and create your own supplementary notes. You don’t have to type your own notes either if that is a challenge. Sonocent’s Audio Notetaker has Dragon NaturallySpeaking software available for Windows computers that will transcribe the audio files into written form for you. Once you are done editing the audio files and adding your personal notes, the files can be exported as a text document, music file, or video.
Watch an introductory video to the software’s abilities here [1], or visit their website [2] for more information on the Sonocent Audio Notetaker.