Struggles and Successes

Living with dyslexia permeates so many important actions of your daily life.

When people think of dyslexia or a specific learning disability, they may just think of reading problems and succeeding (or not) in school; but it affects more than that. It can affect many things such as your ability to complete a job application, vie for a promotion, try out for the local community production, help your child with homework. The list can go on and on.

The increased growth in the use of technology for communication and learning has:

  • Created literacy-based tools have also opened doors through such innovations as text-to-speech programs that read text aloud and graphic organizers to help with writing.
  • Increased our understanding of dyslexia. For example, using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), researchers have learned how the dyslexic brain works. This knowledge helps you understand that your brain is firing differently when you read as compared to the typical reader. It is not wrong; it is just different. At the University of Michigan a team of researchers are using fMRI and behavioral tests to explore the relationship of neural markers and reading behavior, which will also ultimately inform practice (current research [1]).

And so, while the challenges can be great for you, we live in an exciting time when we know much more about the strengths and gifts of individuals with dyslexia, ways to diagnose, and ways to teach the much needed skills. With the right combination of tools, support, knowledge, understanding, and beliefs, you can start your program to success!

Watch this animation from NCLD, Down & Up: A Journey through Dyslexia & Other LDs [2], which highlights the power of kind words when it comes to overcoming obstacles presented by dyslexia.


Living with dyslexia permeates so many important actions of your daily life. When people think of dyslexia, they may just think of difficulties in reading and succeeding in school; but it affects more than that. It can affect many things such as your ability to complete a job application, vie for a promotion, try out for the local community production, help your child with homework. The list can go on and on...