​Blake Charlton used to keep track of the insults he was given in schools due to his reading struggles. He learned to cope with his dyslexia, and the taunts that became associated with it, by developing humor and making fun of himself.

His humor, work ethic, and support from his parents proved to be successful strategies.

Charlton started reading fluently at the age of 13, and went on to Yale and then Stanford Medical School. He has published two fantasy novels with disabled heroes. He was able to use his diagnosis to his advantage, thinking he was successful despite being dyslexic.

​Charlton realized his mistake at the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation Conference on Dyslexia and Talent. While there, he learned that he was not successful despite his dyslexia, but very possibly because of it.

Presenters at the conference showed cutting-edge research that prove the dyslexic brain imparts several strengths including exceptional three-dimensional and special reasoning as well as increased creativity.

Armed with this knowledge, Charlton is trying to teach the professional world to associate dyslexia not only with the disabilities that go along with it, but also with the associated abilities. This, he believes, would empower dyslexics to face their futures with a range of both strengths and weaknesses.

​To read more of Charlton’s story, visit The New York Times website.