Our Success Can Only Continue with You
It may surprise you, but DyslexiaHelp receives no financial support from the University of Michigan. Although based at the university, this informative and extremely helpful website has largely been funded by a single donor. Moving forward, DyslexiaHelp needs your support to continue its mission helping those who cope with dyslexia.
Every Dollar Counts
Your donation to DyslexiaHelp supports people coping with this disorder through new dyslexia content, resources, and direct follow-up to their questions. You don't have to be a millionaire to make a difference. Donations of any size have the potential to drastically improve individuals quality of life by helping them find answers and support.
Make A Donation Now
Use our secure online giving portal by clicking the button above to make a tax-deductible donation to support the work of DyslexiaHelp.
To make a donation by check, make it payable to The University of Michigan—DyslexiaHelp and address it to:
DyslexiaHelp at the University of Michigan
Office of University Development
3003 S. State Street, Suite 8000
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
To assist in processing your donation, please also write DyslexiaHelp in the memo.
The Very Real Impact of DyslexiaHelp
“I contacted your organization last February about my son and
his difficulties in school. My husband and I suspected a problem
but couldn't get the school to listen. You [Dr. Pierson] referred me to
Dr. Ryan in Grand Rapids and we just finished up our assessments
and my son is severely dyslexic. While saddened about this
I am so thankful I took your advice and trusted my gut and got him tested.
We are looking forward to getting on track this school year.”