University of Michigan DyslexiaHelp

Featured Success Story

Success Story: Orlando Bloom

Orlando Bloom

Orlando Bloom talks with Access Hollywood about how dyslexia affected his education and his acting career. Read more...

Coming Up On Our Blog

New Australian Study May Pinpoint Dyslexia Warning Babies

New Australian Study May Pinpoint Dyslexia Warning Babies

A new research study in Australia is attempting to find dyslexia warning signs in babies. Subscribe to our blog and be the first to see when the post goes live! Subscribe via our RSS feed...

On the Site

Find a Professional

Find a Professional

Are you looking for professional intervention for yourself, a student, or a loved one? We have some resources to get you started. Learn more...

Writing Videos

Writing Videos

We explain the writing process and why dyslexics struggle with it, and we offer some helpful videos to explain further. Watch Now...

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University Center for the Development of Language & Literacy (UCLL)