Researchers from the University of Oxford work to define dyslexia.
In an article written by researchers from the University of Oxford, the definitions of dyslexia are outlined. They describe dyslexia as the difficulty in learning to decode and spell. Additionally, they indicate that dyslexia is classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder within the DSM-5. These types of disorders are typically life-long conditions that tend to be onset early in life.
The article also highlights the relationship between dyslexia and learning. The authors describe how children with dyslexia are slow to learn to decode words as well as read novel words they haven’t seen before. They also discuss the phonological deficit hypothesis, the idea that phonological skills are dimensional and can affect different aspects of reading that can significantly impact one's ability to decode words.
Additionally, the comorbidities of dyslexia are outlined within the article. Comorbidity is the co-occurrence between at least two disorders within the same individual. The article states that on average, the rates of comorbidity between reading disorders and other neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g., dyscalculia, developmental language disorder, etc.) are about 40%. Understanding these comorbidity rates is important in ensuring a person with dyslexia is getting support for other learning struggles they may be facing.
Lastly, the article discusses the process of diagnosis and treatment. The authors argue that reading is correlated with other skills as well as comorbid disorders that need separate management. They also argue that it is vital to embrace the dimensions of dyslexia to ensure children are given optimal treatment outcomes.
Overall, the article outlines different aspects of dyslexia in detail to provide a strong understanding of the complexities of the reading disorder.