The Vale of Glamorgan Festival of Music aims to celebrate living composers of classical music and more contemporary pieces. At the 2013 festival, Andrew Lewis was one of the featured composers.

Lewis was inspired by a poem written by Tom Barbor-Might when he was 12-years-old called "As I See It". In the poem, Barbor expresses his feelings about being a dyslexic child and his struggles with language.

Lewis decided to write a composition based on the poem. His piece featured a recording of a number of dyslexics reading the poem aloud. It is meant to use sounds and sights to convey the complexity of language and the challenges that dyslexics face in reading. Lewis is even more proud of his piece because his daughter Martha is also dyslexic. He hopes it will help people better understand dyslexia.

Read more about Lewis and the music festival at SpecialEdPost.