Certain words, coined ‘sight words’, can help establish a young student’s reading and writing skills when learned early on. Learning these ‘sight words’ make a child’s early reading and writing experiences easier as well as help to establish a strong foundation off of which they can continue to improve their fluency and speed skills. SightWords, an online resources that focuses on the learning of these key beginner’s words, provides both games for students as well as educational material for teachers and parents.

The site’s resources for students include games and flashcards. All of SightWords’ games are tailored to help students strengthen their recognition of sight words. Bingo, Snakes and Ladders, and Dominoes, as well as other games that students would already be familiar with, are available and redesigned to inforce repetition and retention of key sight words. The website’s flashcards can be downloaded and printed out in order to have access to sight word studying without the requirement of a computer. Premade decks are organized according to grade, all the way from Kindergarten through 10th grade. Or new decks can be created and customized by combining existing words from other decks.

Beyond student resources, SightWords has teaching strategies, online lesson videos, and pages on phonemic awareness for teachers and parents. The suggested curriculum outlines, detailed techniques instruction, and additional material available make the site a great aid for improving reading fluency and speed.

Visit the website here.