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In this section, we provide information specific to the therapy program to remediate dyslexia or a language disability. In addition to information about what constitutes a good treatment plan, we provide software information and guidelines to finding the type of therapy that is best for your child. We encourage you to refer to our glossary as you navigate what can sometimes be the technical world of dyslexia.

Better outcomes for dyslexics can be achieved through early identification and research-based, goal-directed intensive therapy. Behaviors that place children at-risk for a reading disability can be identified as young as preschool. These typically are demonstrated by delayed speech and language development.

Once a diagnosis of dyslexia has been made, therapy should begin as soon as possible. Individual therapy sessions that are as frequent as possible produce the best results.

If group therapy is the only option, the smaller the group the better (ideally no more than three). Given that reading and writing demands increase and change as your child progresses through school, intervention should be ongoing. Sometimes the clinician may recommend a break when skills are stabilized and your child is meeting with success, with the idea to return to therapy at a later date when the demands of reading and writing increase.

  • The key to successful intervention is the development of a systematic, individualized treatment plan that is based on your child's specific learning needs.
  • Performance on the diagnostic assessment informs the design of individual therapy goals.
  • Goals should be measurable.
  • Progress should be assessed at regular intervals and the treatment goals adjusted as appropriate.
  • Intervention should use best practices as evidenced in the literature in the remediation of language and literacy skills.
  • Intervention may include computer programs designed specifically to address individual goals.

We know that with the right kind of help, your child can improve his or her language, reading, spelling, and writing skills. Use this section of the website to help you both get on your way! Success starts here!